A North Carolina attorney with more than two decades of experience, Christopher Lane maintains his own solo practice in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He has operated his practice since 2002 and primarily focuses on areas such as employment law and workers’ compensation. Outside of work, attorney Christopher “Chris” Lane enjoys golfing.
If you are having trouble hitting a golf ball with accuracy, try widening your stance and checking your alignment. A narrow stance makes it more difficult to balance and makes it more difficult for you to properly turn. You want your feet to be roughly shoulder width apart. In terms of alignment, turn your body in the direction of your target. This keeps you from hooking or slicing the ball. Ideally, the best posture for swing rotation and balance is a straight back, flexed knees, and bent hips. Further, always rotate your upper body during a swing rather than only moving your arms.
Stance and posture are not the only things that may be holding you back. Make sure that you are always using the right club for the shot you are trying to make. If you already have the correct club, then your technique might need some work. Set aside some time to practice hitting the ball, and ensure you are consistently hitting the ball each time you swing. Additionally, focus on improving your accuracy for shorter shots before attempting longer shots. If you immediately jump to long shots, then a large part of your game will be impacted by inaccuracy.
A North Carolina attorney with more than two decades of experience, Christopher Lane maintains his own solo practice in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He has operated his practice since 2002 and primarily focuses on areas such as employment law and workers’ compensation. Outside of work, attorney Christopher “Chris” Lane enjoys golfing.